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Frequently asked questions

Why "Cube"? How did that come about?

With a name like "Marquardt" I picked up a nickname pretty quick. Growing up it was usually just "Marq", but that's weird because it has a "q" without being followed by a "u". "Mark" often worked, but not once I stated college. All My colege friends decided I needed a much more unusual nickname. Rubik's cube were popular at the time and I always had one.

"Cube" became so standard, I've even had payroll checks made out to "Cube". The teller at the bank knew me and cashed it, but told me the people I worked for were idiots (they were). I had a background check for a job and I wasn't sure if I needed to put it down as an alias, so I did. It's a good thing, too! Because they did ask me about at!

Why is the sky blue?

Okay, the sky isn't really blue. It appears that way due to a 'tindreal' effect. Bird feathers that appear blue do the same thing.