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My Projects

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NuGet package - Console Colors

A library to make using color in console output easier. This was a fun project spun off from a program I wrote to generate Sudoku puzzles.
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Simon memory game - Windows

Classic follow the colors game for UWP (Universal Windows Platform). I wanted to learn working with UWP, so I adapted a project I already had the logic and understood the flow. The UI was somewhat familiar since both Android and UWP define the UI in XML and have similar elements.
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Doom map: A Tribute Quilt

Okay, I like DOOM. I've played DOOM since the shareware release sometime in the early-mid 90's. This is the first time I've tried to design a map and it was much harder than they make it look.
The task was specifically to stick as close to vanilla as possible, so none of the crazy scripts or coding like in the 'My House' WAD. Still, learning the tools, placement, and play testing was a lot of work. I loved the experience!
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Simon memory game - Android

Classic follow the colors game for Android. This came from a college assignment to replicate this game, but make it different! I added the complexity of six buttons in addition to the traditional four.
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Minecraft Mod - Paragonia

Does it seem odd that my 2 favorite games are DOOM and Minecraft? I think the common link is how much their communities support modding and adding content.
I wanted to do something big so I teamed up with a designer for this one. Since the designer handled all the artwork and images, I could focus on programming the blocks, items, and even a custom mob!
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